Fractured Lives, Fractured Churches: Healing the Breach - May 7, 2024 (Sterling Heights, MI)

05/07/2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT


  • $99.00  -  Single to 3 Person Registration Rate
  • $84.00  -  Group Ticket (4+)


Sterling Heights, MI


American society is fracturing as more and more families experience estrangement with their loved ones. Tensions in American public life affects their private lives and vice-versa. Americans lack a shared identity, disagree on the nation’s purposes, values, and history, and are becoming more and more intolerant of those with whom they disagree. Estrangement in private lives often leads to intense tribalism in public life. Anchored in Family Systems, the workshop is designed to help leaders understand phenomenon of estrangement, how it comes about and how can the church be a gathering place for restoration and healing.